Old Fishing Emblem
Old School Fishing Secrets

Old School Fishermen Discover 3
Crappie Fishing Tricks That Catch Huge Crappie Like Crazy...

You'll discover:

  • The simple 6-step "Crappie Spy Trick" for quickly locating crappie hot-zones. (This one is BRILLIANT... and you don't need any special equipment to catch your limit fast!)
  • How to create the "schooling minnows effect" that attracts monster crappie quickly... and puts them in attack-mode. (All you need is an old jar, a lid, and some string.)
  • An easy way to simulate a "predator attack" on your bait that triggers a crappie's survival instinct... so your bait gets hammered instantly. (Repeat these 2 simple steps over and over to catch crappie all day long.)

...and we'll customize these tips for you based on your
answers to our Old School Crappie Fishing Quiz...

Question #1:

Are you a man or a woman?