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James's Crappie Fishing Quiz Results
And Recommendations

(Plus, simple customized tricks for catching more crappie more often...)

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James's Crappie Fishing Quiz Results And Recommendations Prepared On May, 7, 2024 By:
Dan Eggertsen, Crappie Fishing Addict. and President of Old School Fishing Secrets

James's Crappie Fishing Frequency (Score: 4 Points)

Your Crappie Fishing Frequency: 2-4 times per week.

You fall into the top 24% range.

You are an enthusiastic, and consistently successful crappie angler, who, while maybe not a true expert, knows enough to catch crappie whenever you want, within reason.

You are not obsessive, but really enjoy stalking and catching crappie.

A significant portion of crappie fishing gear, accessories and clothing is marketed directly at you.

You probably live near good crappie waters, and keep gear handy, ready to go fishing at a moments notice.

You harvest a large portion of the remaining 25% of the crappie that are not caught by the hard-core crappie troopers.

How James's Age Relates To Crappie Fishing
Success (Score: 6 Points)

Your Age Range: 65+

You made it!

You’ve put your mark on the world, and now your time is your own.

A lot of states won’t even charge you for a fishing license any more.

Explore all those crappie places you always wanted to, but never had the time.

Share your crappie knowledge with others as much as you can.

Take the grandchildren out crappie fishing…a lot.

These times are precious.

Sure, you can’t move around as good as you once did, but you can move good enough to catch crappie.

Enjoy life…you’ve earned it. Some say you never really start living until you retire...

James's "Usual" Crappie Bait Preference (Score: 3 Points)

Your Bait Preference: Jigs

You are the Elite of the Crappie Fishing World.

More crappie are caught on jigs than by any other method.

Jigs are cheap, reusable, and can even be fished under a float for precise depth-control.

They can be fished several at a time on double, or spider rigs.

They can be fished vertically, cast out, or trolled.

Nothing is as versatile as a jig.

Ultra-lite lures are also deadly on crappie at times, especially small versions of Shad Raps, and similar models.

But the ultimate crappie thrill is fly fishing.

Crappie will hit any fly pattern that resembles a baitfish, such as Clouser Minnows (one of the best), most streamers and bucktails, and even small versions of Puglisi-Style patterns.

By using sink-tip, or sinking lines, you can reach crappie just about all year-long.

James's Typical Crappie Fishing State: Pennsylvania

James's Main Crappie Fishing Region: NORTHEAST

Some states in the extreme northeast may only have a few places to crappie fish, but it is just because the states are very small, and only have a few lakes and rivers, period.

The larger northeast states have plenty of good crappie waters…just about all larger lakes and rivers.

Of course, spring is the main time for crappie fishing up north, but they are also caught through the ice, and in fall. Northerners have one advantage over us poor Southerners.

Down south, the hot summers can make crappie moody,and downright uncooperative.

Fishing for crappie in the summer here is tough…not impossible, but tough.

But up north, the crappie are more frisky in summer due to the milder climate, so you can catch crappie all year-long if you are willing to brave the elements.

Number Of Crappie Rigs You've Had Experience With
(Score: 8 Points)

You Have Used 4 (or more!) Crappie Rigs

You are a true crappie fishing enthusiast.

You will do whatever it takes to catch crappie and are not afraid to try new things.

Sometimes, a lot of the fun is trying out new rigs and techniques.

You probably also keep up with the latest trends, and visit Cabela’s so much that they are thinking of charging you rent…. Keep up the good work…. :)

James's Typical Crappie Rig Complexity (Score: 2 Points)

Complexity: Simple

It doesn’t get any better than this.

Nothing but you, the water, nature, a cane pole, a split shot, hook and minnow.

You only really have to learn to tie an improved clinch knot.

Thats all you need. If you want to get fancy, you can clip on a bobber…. Sometimes it’s the simple things that really give us satisfaction.

With this basic rig, you can catch crappie from now, ’til the cows come home.

James's Average Number Of Crappie Caught Per

Outing During Peak Season (Score: 8 Points)

Your Catch Average: 10+ Crappie Per Trip

You are the Elite of the crappie fishing world.

You think Quality-Time means a Crappie Tournament.

You get fan mail from professional Crappie Guides.

You can teach others how to become great crappie anglers.

You probably drive by a water park and think to yourself, “I could catch crappie, there…,”.

You could endorse equipment.

You could have your own fishing show.

The Crappie World is your oyster.

But don’t get too cocky.

There is always something more to learn, and you don’t want to fall behind the curve.

Stay on top of current trends and techniques.

And most importantly, share your knowledge and expertise.

James's Crappie Fishing Success (Score: 4 Points)

Your Crappie Fishing Success Compared To Others: About Average

Most crappie fishing gear is marketed to someone like you...

You do OK at crappie fishing, but would like to do a little better.

"If I only had a little better rod, or a specialty reel…" - try not to think this way.

In reality, all you probably need is a little more knowledge and some more practice.

Get some Topo maps of the water you are fishing in and learn where the likely structure that attracts crappie is.

Look for channels leading to shallow water, old riverbeds, submerged timber, sinkholes, flats. etc…

Once you find a hotspot, mark it, because crappie use the same routes every year.

Sure, it’s nice to have new and better gear, but it won’t help you catch more crappie, without the extra knowledge.

Your Old School Crappie Fishing
Quiz Score: 35 (out of 47)


You are the top of the heap, the King of the Hill (or the Queen of Crappie, depending on your gender…).

But to stay on top, you will still need to search for ways to constantly improve your game.

Nature is a constantly changing environment, and one of it’s basic laws is, “Adapt, or die…”. Stay current on new techniques and knowledge.

What was a great crappie hole last year could be the Dead Sea this year, due to over-fishing, pollution, runoff, environmental changes, a snakehead invasion, or any number of things.

It’s the pits, but it does happen. Luckily, since crappie migrate so much, they are not damaged as much as other fish by these events, but you will have to find out where they have gone.

As a rule, they won’t adjust any more than they have to. Always be ready to explore and do reconnaissance.

Most of all, be sure to share your knowledge.

It’s one of the nicest gifts you can give anyone.

Here is the Crappie Fishing Tip we've selected based on
your Crappie Fishing Quiz results...

The Amazing "Clipped Fin Con"

STEP 1: Once you find a likely spot for crappie, rig a single hook bobber rig with a live minnow - so that the minnow will suspend slightly above the cover. But do NOT drop him in the water yet until you complete step 2...

STEP 2: Next, take a small minnow and a pair of nail clippers.

Clip a notch from one of the tail fins. I've found the lower to be more effective.

Hook the minnow and drop your rig to the fish.

The minnow will swim frantically and in distress due to the imbalance of the fins. This will trigger an almost irresistible urge for the crappie to investigate.

STEP 3: Start fishing with the clipped minnow.

STEP 4: Leave that rod and take another rigged with a small jig, spinner or crank-bait.

Throw it out and reel it slowly up to your minnow.

Repeat step 4 until you get hit, which is typically within 2-3 casts if you are in a spot where the crappie are.

This makes it look like a rival fish going for your minnow, thus making itself a potential prey.

This is almost a 'can't fail' technique.

Stay loose, though, because many times you will catch fish on both rods simultaneously.

Then it really gets fun (and complicated).

Sounds great doesn't it?

Wait until you try it.

This one taps into a crappie's "compete to survive" instinct... an instinct that all predators have.

When something is about to be taken away from you (especially food), it suddenly looks a lot more appealing.

And all you need is a jig, 2 poles, a couple slip bobbers, and a pair of nail clippers! So get out there and try it...and send me an email about your results, like everyone else has been doing. :)

Get the rest of your crappie fishing tips here...

Click To Play And Discover 3 Old School Crappie Fishing Secrets